Title: "Elevating Global Competitiveness: Policies Discussed for Our Regions"
The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) meeting was held in Şanlıurfa under the chairmanship of Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz.
In the statement made after the meeting, it was noted, "We are leaving behind a year in which geopolitical tensions continue in the global economy, protectionist tendencies are increasing, and uncertainties persist. In this global context, we are implementing the economic program we started in 2023 with effective coordination."
In the written statement after the meeting, the following was recorded:
"We have established a solid foundation for achieving our two main objectives of price stability and accelerating structural transformation. We continue to implement structural reforms within a timeline.
During the tenth and final meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of 2024 held today in Şanlıurfa:
- Policies were discussed to increase the global competitiveness of our regions, minimize inter-regional development disparities, and ensure recovery after the earthquake within the framework of the National Strategy for Regional Development (2024-2028).
- The current status of irrigation investments in the GAP region was reviewed, and measures were evaluated that will promote sustainable and smart agricultural practices and ensure that agriculture becomes a driving force in regional development.
- The potential effects of the recent developments in Syria on our foreign trade were assessed, and policies to be pursued in the new period were discussed."