ATO/Baran: Turkish-German Collaboration Will Add Value to Our Economy and Exports


ATO/Baran: Turkish-German Collaboration Will Add Value to Our Economy and Exports

Forex - Gürsel Baran, the Chairman of the Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO), announced the completion of the collaboration process initiated with the signing ceremony hosted by ATO between MBT Teknik Yapı Kimyasalları Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi (MBT Tech), one of the leading companies in the construction chemicals sector, and the German company Master Builders Solutions. He stated that 51% of MBT Tech has been transferred to German investors and celebrated this collaboration. Baran remarked, “Turkish-German cooperation will add value to our economy and exports.”

In a written statement, ATO Chairman Gürsel Baran expressed his wishes for the Turkish-German collaboration in the construction chemicals sector to be beneficial for the industry and both countries. He reminded that the investment cooperation signed between MBT Tech, established by partners including Aykimtaş Anadolu Yapı Kimyasalları San. Tic. A.Ş., which he is also a partner in, and Nanotek İnşaat Sanayi ve Yapı Malzemeleri Tic. A.Ş. based in Istanbul, with the globally recognized German leader in innovative concrete additives and solutions, Master Builders Solutions, took place at ATO Duatepe Hall.

Baran noted that the process, which began with the signing on August 28, was completed with the transfer of 51% of MBT Tech to the German Master Builders Solutions. He stated, “This merger, which started in Ankara and concluded in Istanbul, has proven to be a promising development not only for our companies but also for the construction sector and our country. I would like to thank Dr. Boris Gorella, CEO of Master Builders Solutions, Dr. Karsten Eller, COO of Master Builders Solutions and a board member of MBT Tech, Suat Seven, General Manager of MBT Tech, and Ali Rıza Sungur, a shareholder of MBT Tech. Turkish-German cooperation will add value to our economy and exports.”


Baran emphasized that Turkey has become a significant producer and exporter in the construction chemicals sector, stating, “The collaboration between a company with a deep-rooted position in the Turkish market and another operating in the European market will open new export doors for the construction chemicals sector through its production in our country.”

Pointing out that despite the global decline in exports in 2023, Turkey’s exports in the sector have risen to 911 million dollars, Baran highlighted the importance of providing technological, innovative, and reliable products and solutions for the sector. He informed that MBT Tech would not only meet the industry's needs with production in its modern facilities but also engage in exports. Baran also mentioned that MBT Tech will focus on production with lower carbon dioxide emissions.


ATO President Baran indicated that due to natural gas transmission difficulties, production and heating could become problematic in European Union countries and invited European investors to Turkey. Baran stated, “Turkey, which receives natural gas through various pipelines and has its own production, has established itself as a safe country for investment with its location and production conditions. I invite European investors to invest in our country either directly or through mergers.”