The Number of Bounced Checks Surged by 115.4% in December


The Number of Bounced Checks Surged by 115.4% in December

In December, the number of checks presented to the Takasbank Check Clearing System that were returned as unpaid increased compared to the previous month.

According to the Takasbank data published in the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) EVDS system, the number of unpaid checks in the previous month stood at 11,480, while this figure rose by 115.4% to reach 24,729 in November.

The amount of unpaid checks escalated from 8.24 billion TL in the previous month to 17.39 billion TL.

The total number of checks presented increased from 632,246 in the previous month to 1,414,862, while the value rose from 384.4 billion TL to 648.3 billion TL.

The number of checks subject to reconciliation also increased from 601,362 to 1,357,248, with the amount rising from 354.2 billion TL to 648.3 billion TL.