No Increase in Natural Gas Prices for January


No Increase in Natural Gas Prices for January

BOTAŞ has announced that it will keep the natural gas sale tariffs unchanged for January. There will be no changes to the prices of natural gas used by residential and industrial subscribers as well as for electricity production.

According to BOTAŞ's statement, residential subscribers will pay 5,631 Turkish lira for one thousand cubic meters of natural gas in January. This tariff, which also applies to industrial subscribers, has been published on BOTAŞ's website and is stated to remain fixed throughout the month.

The price of natural gas provided to residences in Turkey is currently the lowest after Ukraine. BOTAŞ has also not made any changes to the natural gas tariff set for bread producers. Under this tariff, bread producers will pay 8,549 Turkish lira for one thousand cubic meters of gas. The natural gas tariff for electricity generation has been announced as 12,000 Turkish lira per one thousand cubic meters.

BOTAŞ noted that according to the "Household Energy Price Index (HEPI)" report, which evaluates gas prices in Europe, the natural gas prices applied to residences in Turkey are the lowest after Ukraine. This situation is said to provide an economic advantage for consumers in the country.