MARKET OUTLOOK - The benchmark price in the spot natural gas market reached 12,612.28 TRY


MARKET OUTLOOK - The benchmark price in the spot natural gas market reached 12,612.28 TRY

In the spot natural gas market, the reference price for one thousand cubic meters of natural gas was 12,612.28 TL yesterday. The previous day's natural gas price was at the level of 12,890.00 TL. According to data from the Energy Markets Operations Company (EPİAŞ), the arithmetic average for the last month was calculated at 12,354.37 TL. The balancing gas purchase price for market participants was set at 13,242.89 TL, while the sale price was 11,981.67 TL. The total daily matching volume of gas was 495 thousand cubic meters. The daily transaction volume in the spot natural gas market amounted to 6 million 189 thousand 138.00 TL.