Over $1 Billion Exported Across 30 Provinces from January to November, with 59 Provinces Seeing Export Growth
In the January-November period of 2024, more than 1 billion dollars in exports were made in 30 provinces, with 59 provinces experiencing an increase in exports. According to the statement made by the Ministry of Trade, in November, compared to the same month of the previous year, the provinces with the highest export figures were as follows: Istanbul ranked first with 5 billion 38 million dollars, showing a decrease of 12.8%; Kocaeli ranked second with 2 billion 528 million dollars, a decrease of 2.7%; Izmir ranked third with 1 billion 973 million dollars, a decrease of 13.7%; Bursa ranked fourth with 1 billion 704 million dollars, reflecting an increase of 4.2%; and Tekirdağ ranked fifth with 1 billion 51 million dollars, showing an increase of 4.6%.
Examining the provinces with the most significant increase in exports in November compared to the same month of the previous year, Çorum ranked first with an increase of 138 million dollars, Bursa ranked second with an increase of 69 million dollars, Tekirdağ ranked third with an increase of 46 million dollars, Osmaniye ranked fourth with an increase of 45 million dollars, and Denizli ranked fifth with an increase of 44 million dollars.
The statement emphasized, "As the Ministry of Trade, we are determined to continue our efforts to increase exports through our policies and strategies aimed at market and product diversification with a perspective of high value-added and competitive exports. On the other hand, we aim to ensure that exports spread strongly across our country. We strive for a more prosperous Turkey as a result of the production and employment increases achieved locally."