Energy Ministry/Demircan: Storage Systems Must Contribute to Base Load, Vital Importance in This Context


Energy Ministry/Demircan: Storage Systems Must Contribute to Base Load, Vital Importance in This Context

Foreks - Zafer Demircan emphasized that Turkey has established new strategies in the energy sector and highlighted that investments made in the last 10 years have prevented $132 billion in energy imports while achieving a reduction of 890 million tons in carbon emissions. He stated: "One of the main approaches we applied while creating our new strategies is to significantly diversify. The integration of domestic and renewable resources into the system needs to be maximized, while simultaneously strengthening and modernizing infrastructure, transmission, and distribution networks. We are also addressing Turkey's potential to become a regional energy hub, and we will achieve this. We plan to conduct GES RES YEKA auctions in January and February. Additionally, we have significantly completed legislative efforts to shorten the permitting processes related to renewable resources. As we increase renewable integration, our need for you will also increase because the system must, at certain times, ensure that surplus energy is stored and can be used when needed; it is important to enhance the system's storage capabilities."

Tokcan: "We could be a 'regional base' in Energy Storage!" Can Tokcan, the President of EDEDER, who spoke at the opening of the congress, stated, “Turkey has been making serious efforts to become a 'regional hub' in various areas of energy for many years. The experiences we have gained as a country, our ability to move quickly, the determination of public will sustained over time, our skilled human resources, our technical capabilities, and our innovative vision lead us to believe that these efforts can be successful in the field of ‘energy storage’ and that Turkey will quickly enter among the leading technology producers.” He also remarked, “Considering that all of the nearly 33 gigawatts of preliminary license applications currently received in storage have been converted into investment, we are talking about an investment size exceeding $10 billion for Storage Production Facilities and over $30 billion when related to renewable power plants.” Tokcan added, "It is also crucial to discuss how the 214 million kilograms of resources related to batteries, which are expected to be reused within our borders at the end of the lifespan of the Energy Storage Systems to be established, will be evaluated."

High Interest in the Congress Despite being held for the first time this year, the "Future Energy and Storage Congress" has registered over two thousand industry professionals. The congress hosts 7 different sessions addressing the topic of energy storage from various angles including policy and regulations, energy management, financing, cutting-edge technologies, circular economy, stakeholders in the storage sector, and localization.

About EDEDER: EDEDER is active with the aim of enhancing Turkey's potential in rapidly evolving energy storage technologies, which are a significant part of the global energy transition, and making local producers and solution providers competitive in the international market.

EDEDER aims to:

  • Establish national standards for energy storage systems,
  • Develop policies to determine the quality criteria for energy storage systems designed for residential, industrial, and grid-scale applications,
  • Bring together sector stakeholders to enhance cooperation in this field,
  • Promote innovation while reducing environmental impacts,
  • Raise awareness within society regarding this issue,
  • Contribute to the acceleration of investments in the field of Energy Storage in our country.

EDEDER currently includes members such as Batkon Battery Control Technologies, İnovat Engineering, Kontrolmatik Technology (IS:KONTR) Energy and Engineering, Kontrol Energy Systems, Maxxen Energy Systems, Smartpulse Technology, Solar Storage Energy Supply, Teksan Generator Electricity, YEO Technology Energy (IS:YEOTK), Industrial, Storagex Energy Storage Technologies, Solartoday, Niocycle Technology Industry Trade, ZES Solar Energy Supply and Trade, Progresiva Energy Investments Trade, Ennag Solar, and Enerjisa Customer Solutions.