ATO/Baran: Minimum Wage Increased by 30% to 22,104 TL - A Balanced Figure


ATO/Baran: Minimum Wage Increased by 30% to 22,104 TL - A Balanced Figure

The Chairman of the Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO), Gürsel Baran, stated that the increase of the minimum wage by 30% to 22,104 Turkish Lira is a sustainable and balanced figure for both employees and employers.

In a written statement evaluating the increase in the minimum wage, Baran expressed the following views:

"The increase of the minimum wage by 30% to 22,104 Lira has become a sustainable and balanced figure for both our employees and our employers. We must not forget that the main culprit of the problems we face today and the loss of purchasing power is high inflation, which also poses an obstacle to investment and production from the employers' perspective. In this regard, it is important and valuable to raise employer support from 700 Lira to 1,000 Lira. I hope that these steps will free us from inflationary pressures as soon as possible and pave the way for interest rate reductions, and I wish the new minimum wage to be beneficial and auspicious for both workers and employers."