Ulusoy Flour: We Aim to Leave a Sustainable World for Future Generations
Foreks - Turkey's largest flour producer and exporter, Ulusoy Un (IS:ULUUN), has shared its first "Integrated Activity Report" prepared in accordance with international standards with the public. The report, published under the theme "Creating Value for the Future," details Ulusoy Un's financial achievements as well as its long-term value creation goals and strategies.
Emphasizing its motto "Creating Value for the Future," Turkey's leading flour producer and exporter has released this first Integrated Activity Report to convey its long-term value creation objectives and strategies. The report, prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the International Integrated Reporting Framework published by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), includes information on Ulusoy Un's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance for 2023, along with significant developments recorded in the field of sustainability. This comprehensive study highlights Ulusoy Un's commitment to transparency and sustainability principles. The report also presents the company's financial and operational results, future business objectives, and the business plans established to achieve these targets while detailing the progress made in their sustainability approaches.
"We want to leave a livable world for future generations."
Dr. Eren Günhan Ulusoy, the Chairman of the Board of Ulusoy Un, stated that the company is stepping confidently into the future with the strength gained from the past and expressed his deepest gratitude to all colleagues and stakeholders who contribute to the company's sustainable successes. "With a rooted history of over half a century, we proudly continue our responsibility to contribute to the development of the agriculture and food sector as well as the economic development of our country. We adopt sustainability as a duty and place it at the center of our management approach. We are taking significant steps to reduce our environmental impacts through energy efficiency projects and renewable energy investments. By the end of 2025, we aim to meet 100% of our energy needs from renewable sources. This goal is not only an environmental necessity but also part of our vision to leave a livable world for future generations. In this report prepared in accordance with international standards, we clearly present our approach to sustainability and our objectives," he remarked.