STOCK VALUATION - PhilipCapital Expects Average Return of 54% from Its Model Portfolio Stocks


STOCK VALUATION - PhilipCapital Expects Average Return of 54% from Its Model Portfolio Stocks

Foreks - PhilipCapital expects an average return of 54% from the stocks in its model portfolio.

The Model Portfolio report highlights stocks that may be positively impacted due to an increase in demand and debt burden during a period when we are at the beginning of global interest rate cuts. These include: AKBNK (IS:AKBNK), ISCTR (IS:ISCTR), KRDMD (IS:KRDMD), BOBET (IS:BOBET), GWIND (IS:GWIND), ASTOR (IS:ASTOR), TCELL (IS:TCELL), and PGSUS (IS:PGSUS). It also advocates for the inclusion of companies with lower growth/interest sensitivity such as TURSG (IS:TURSG), MGROS (IS:MGROS), and MAVI (IS:MAVI) in the portfolios.

The report states, "Consistent with our view that the recovery in Europe will be seen later, we are currently not including export-oriented stocks for Europe. The increase in the minimum wage may have a generally negative impact on profitability in the first half of the year; however, we anticipate that the moderate trend in energy costs could partially offset this."