Competition Authority Fines Abko Internal and External Trade 2.05 Million TL


Competition Authority Fines Abko Internal and External Trade 2.05 Million TL

The Competition Authority has imposed an administrative fine of 2.05 million TL on Abko Internal and External Trade.

The decision stated: "An administrative fine of 2,050,233.32 TL was imposed on Abko Internal and External Trade Limited Company, which operates in the cosmetics and personal care products sector under the Davines brand, for restricting the online sales of its resellers and determining resale prices.

In this context, regarding the claim that Abko restricted the online sales of its resellers, the final commitment document provided by Abko, which stated that the products could be resold through all online channels, was accepted as it could address the competition issues identified in the case file. The Competition Authority decided on 31.10.2024, under the number 24-44/1031-441, to make this commitment binding for the undertaking.

Regarding the claim that it determined the sales prices of its resellers, Abko was fined 2,050,233.32 TL for violating Article 4 of Law No. 4054, and the investigation was concluded through a settlement. This decision was made on 21.11.2024, under the number 24-49/1099-468."