UPDATE - Tax on Merchants Sharing Location Information Denied


UPDATE - Tax on Merchants Sharing Location Information Denied

The Ministry of Environment, Urbanism and Climate Change stated that the information regarding the taxation of merchants who share their location is absolutely incorrect.

In a statement, the Ministry reminded that it is necessary to clarify the news published today by some media outlets under the title "Location Tax for Merchants." The statement continued: "The relevant law encompasses individuals and private legal entities that generate income by producing geographical data listed in the National Geographic Data Responsibility Matrix; it does not concern merchants sharing location via social media accounts.

Therefore, the information that merchants sharing their location will be taxed is absolutely incorrect."

In a statement by the Disinformation Combat Center (DMC), the following information was provided: "The claim circulating in some press outlets and shared on social media accounts stating 'a location tax for merchants is coming' is not true. There is no tax imposed on merchants sharing location via social media accounts. The 'Law No. 7221 on the Amendment of the Geographic Information Systems and Certain Laws' pertains to individuals and private legal entities generating income from the geographical data in the National Geographic Data Responsibility Matrix, not to merchants. Please do not give credence to unfounded claims aimed at manipulating public opinion."